Objective: Persuasive advertising

Development of the Campaign:
Promotions are of 2 kinds for a product.Above The Line (ATL)
1. Television Commercials:
2. Print

Below The Line(BTL)
1. Online:

2. Sponsorship:
- MTR has been sponsoring magic shows and theatre performances which resulted in high brand equity and recall.
- Holds live demonstrations and gives out free samples to people visiting the performances, before and after the show.
- Not enough clarity on the differentiators. Though they are the market leaders, MTR till now hasn't been successful in creating an impact in the minds of its perspective consumers.
- Not enough focus on marketing.
- Doesn't explore alternate media as such.
- NO proactive or defensive marking strategies applied.
- At most, it is position defense, trying to occupy the most desirable market space in consumers' minds.
According to a press release, MTR spent 3% of its sales revenue on advertising and marketing till 2009. It has now gradually increased to 14-16% and expected to stay that much till 2015.
MTR advertises its RTE products 14 times more in terms of average ads scheduled per day over an year.
MTR advertises its RTE products 14 times more in terms of average ads scheduled per day over an year.
But most of the promotional activities are concentrated on their masalas and breakfast mixes ranges as the RTE industry in India is being seen as something a little futuristic. People are not yet ready to outsource their meals, even though the urban population are embracing RTE positively.
Being an FMCG product and more importantly, commanding the kind of value the brand offers, the forgetting rate is relatively low. But as a processed food item in India, so is the purchase frequency. Buyer turnover is also reasonable with a lot of big names already in the market and many local brands coming up.
As of now, MTR did not foray into personal or direct marketing.