Sunday 20 July 2014

Customer Value And Benefits

At the top of every modern Organization chart, unlike the traditional ones, is the customer. Customers are the only reason we build factories, hire empployees, schedule meetings and engage in any business activity. Without customers, there is no business. The customer is the true "profit center".

Customers today expect companies to do more than connect with them, more than satisfy them, and even more than delight them. They expect companies to listen and respond to them.

Customer Perceived Value:

Customers tend to be value maximizers. They estimate which offer they believe will deliver the most perceived value and act on it. If the offer lives upto expectation affects customer satisfaction and the probability of the purchase again.

Customer Perceived Value is the difference between the prospective customer's evaluation of all the benefits and costs of an offering and the perceived alternatives.

Time Cost is minimal. That is the USP of an RTE product.
Energy Cost is also minimal as there is negligible or no work done to make a RTE dish.
Psychological Cost is
Monetary Cost is Rs.50 for a 300gm carton.

Image Benefit is high as MTR is synonymous with Purity and rich heritage. It is also the market leader.
Personnel Benefit is negligible as there is no personnel involved and it is a FMCG product.
Services Benefit is also negligible since it is food and no services are required.
Product Benefit is high. It gives taste, quality, time efficiency and traditional food.

Delivering High Customer Value: 

Customers have varying degrees of loyalty to specific brands. MTR commands high brand loyalty. The core positioning is purity, but the buyer is promised a lot more than just safe food. The Value Proposition is fast, healthy, vegetarian, safe, hassle free, time saving food.

Maximizing Customer Lifetime Value 

The concept implies that a company could improve its profits by "firing" its worst customers. The company's largest customers generally yeild the most profit and smallest have very less. Buut MTR RTE does not have any offers for longtime customers.

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